Showing posts with label yellow cake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yellow cake. Show all posts

Friday, March 18, 2016

Coconut Quick-Mix Yellow Cake with Marshmallow Frosting - All #Homemade! NO #Chemicals!

Hey peeps!

So I know I've built a reputation as an undomestic goddess....but I've been working to remedy that 'flaw' and so have gotten quite proficient in the kitchen, especially the baking area. If we're friends on FB, you'll often see pics of my baking during the weekend on my wall.

And a couple weeks ago, I made this cake and a lot of people asked me for the recipe. Rather than blowing their eardrums off with my rambling, I decided it would be best to post the recipe with all its tips and tidbits here so everyone could have access to it. And also, I love to share whatever I have acquired as knowledge, so here goes.