Showing posts with label soundtrack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soundtrack. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tidbit Tuesday: On my playlist right now...

Hey peeps!

Been a while since I was last able to do this. Missed sharing my fave music with you, and since I have a free Tuesday slot today on the blog, why not showcase some of the tracks on repeat on my player right now, and that refuse to leave my brain no matter how much I try to forget? Maybe I could get those tunes in your brains too *mwahahah!*

So, let's kick off...

I happened to watch the DVD of the movie Wanted again this weekend... and in the process, recalled that this was the movie that triggered my Corpus storyline idea and that inspired me to have an agency of assassins and spies in my debut book and series. I'd also forgotten what a cool action movie this one is - well-rounded, and with an awesome soundtrack. Take a listen (and look-see here! The video cannot be embedded)

My son and my nieces love this one! I admit I didn't like it or get the fuss the first time I heard it, but damn if this song doesn't grow on you... I have no idea what the lyrics are saying, or even how to pronounce half the words in there, but this is a good one.

"Bouncy, bouncy" is how many refer to the tone of this track. I love this girl's voice - she's from Wales, and this song is simply too good to pass up on!

And of course, we gotta have a totally British singer in the mix (yeah, Marina & the diamonds is Welsh, but here we're talking England...). I love her voice and vocal range, plus this girl knows how to move. In a collaboration with the greatest DJ of them all, David Guetta, I'm loving me some Jessie J.

What are you listening to right now? Share with me, will ye? :)

From Mauritius with love,


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tidbit Tuesday: Music Bites

Hey peeps

I'm in that in-between phase between stories, that time when you're on the lookout for a spark, for something, anything to hit home and make you go 'Aha!'. I usually turn to my music playlist in such moments - songs inspire me, spark off the little fire I need to set an idea aflame.

I thought I'd share 2 songs which are playing in repeat mode lately on my shuffle playlist.

The first is by Romanian singer Inna. Yeah, her music is nothing 'out of this world', it's pretty usual, generic, club-scene, dance music. But you know what? Just like junk food is great for the soul, junk music is great for the mind too. :) Inna sparked off a little tidbit I'd been looking for regarding a story I started last year and allowed to fall off because I couldn't get a good grip on it. The heroine, like Inna, is a dance tune singer.
This is the video for Sun Is Up.

The other song playing on and on, with me learning the lyrics by heart, is Whataya Want From Me by Adam Lambert. I listen to this song and just know this is the hero's theme in a story I've got planned for later on in 2011. The words were totally him, a perfect response to the conflict the heroine sets forth.

What music are you listening to at the moment?

From Mauritius with love,


Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Tidbit Tuesday: Song Inspiration

Are you guys inspired by songs? Whenever I'm writing a story, there will be a song or two that will feature as my theme - the lyrics, more often than not, will have an echo of what the story is about.

The one I am currently working on doesn't have a huge playlist. Some of my works have had a full album dedicated to them, no less than 5-7 songs on their soundtrack. This one focuses a lot on characters, and it was hard finding songs that would put across everything that the hero and heroine were going through.

Until I stumbled upon What Would Happen If We Kissed and Halo. Suddenly, I had what I didn't know I'd been looking for. These were my goals - what would happen if they kissed? When would that happen? How do I take my heroine on this journey that will make her find her angel in the hero, in the light of his halo?

The first time I heard What Would Happen If We Kissed by Meredith Brooks, I knew there was a 'story' in there. Listen to those lyrics, watch the video! Can you describe sexual tension any better? It's a song that takes you, flips you over, and lays you back down in a crash, because of the power of its words, of its emotions! It became my story's love anthem, the pacing of their feelings, the culmination of their attraction.
Watch it, you won't be disappointed!

Then there's Halo. The lyrics to this seem to have been written for my heroine. She who has to trust, who doesn't know how to, falls in love with this man and has him bringing down all the walls she'd built. Powerful, powerful words, a heartfelt declaration, that embodied the destination point I needed my heroine to reach. Here's the video - listen to those words!

From Mauritius with love,
