Showing posts with label readers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label readers. Show all posts

Friday, May 13, 2016

Living (& writing) with #BreastCancer...& why I haven't published anything yet this year #Sorry

Hello beautiful people!

I hope you're all doing well. I'm okay, just battling the stupendously cold weather that slammed down on Mauritius this week.

Anywho, by now, you all prolly know I have been diagnosed with cancer. Twice. It's been 5 years since the second diagnosis. I don't really talk about it (it's boring, and there are way more informative and funnier blogs from cancer survivors out there) but I think the time might have come to speak out a little more about what it is to live once you've been diagnosed with cancer.

Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Falling Off The Wagon...and getting back on again #MyMeaCulpa

Life passing you by...
Hey beautiful people

First, I have to apologize for being both MIA and AWOL from here for quite a while. Life happened, blah blah blah (or is it bleh bleh bleh like Dracula in Hotel Transylvania? I digress...) So yes, I do have that excuse...but that's exactly what it is - an excuse.

Have you ever fallen off the wagon? I clearly have, and case in point, blogging. Where did I lose myself, where did I fall, and where did I land?

Monday, June 03, 2013

Have you failed your readers?

Hey beautiful people!

Lol - strange to find me posting on a Monday, eh? I'm asking myself the same question...and I'll give you the answer in a few paragraphs (bear with me).

I remember I used to post every Monday, and every day of the work week, for that matter. When did this stop? Sometime about a year or a little more ago (I recall my last Random Thoughts Monday posting because I upped the post late. We'd needed to take kiddo to the dentist, and on the way there, we blew a tyre on the car. While we'd brought it to the garage to get a new tyre, super thunderstorms unleashed on the town. And it was our old car, the Suzuki Alto, which we sold last year in April for the Chevrolet Aveo we now own).