Showing posts with label olly murs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label olly murs. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Playlist Mania: My Fangirl Crushing on Olly Murs

Hey peeps!

Told you I'd be back with more madness from my corner of the world. Yes, yes - run for cover! Do it already! Now! Or else....

Saturday, April 13, 2013

2 British boys battle for the top spot today! *on my Playlist!*

Hey peeps

It's a cold and dismal Saturday here today. Cyclonic warning Class1 in force this morning when I'm writing this; hopefully we won't get much worse weather. Lotsa rain is not what we're looking for, esp after the recent floods in the capital city.

So what else is there to do except hunker down inside the house, maybe with a good book, or a good WIP? Yep, I'm writing a new story (more about that next week with the Progress Report).

But another thing you can do when the weather is awful = grab a nice afghan, settle in your couch or comfy sofa, and plug in the earphones! Yes, I mean relaxing with good music!

Now, ye all know I love Brit Pop and that's what I listen to, mainly. No surprise then that I have two talented British lads vying for the top spot right now.

Want to join in and help me weigh who will win? Then take a listen down here. *grin*

First up, he's the winner of the latest version of X-Factor. Lots of people diss him but I think he's got a lovely voice, and that song of his is just heartbreaking!

Then, we have Olly Murs. Another top lad in the British charts. Got an amazing style that reminds me of a cross between the popular vibe of Robbie Williams and the alternative/electro-reggae beat of Jamiroquai.

So, which one wins it for you? I'm having a hard time deciding...

And if anything, I hope these tracks brightened your weekend a little. I know I could do with a spark.

From Mauritius with love,
