Hello, beautiful people!
I've been stressing over what to talk to you about this month. Not that I lack topics (yes, blabbermouth that I am, LOL), but there's just so much I want to tell you and I was stumped as to what to go with.
The past 2 weeks have seen me strangely in a lull where it was school/Easter break and I had almost no editing work on the plate! So it was almost like I had 2 weeks to myself ... and we all know how that ends up. The blokes here love to go out, so of course, we're also eating out (the staff at McDonald's Cascavelle know us by name & face by now, I'm sure!); there's no alarm clock in the morning, so guess who is sleeping in like a beached whale...
And, of course, NO EXERCISE! I do yoga first thing when I get up around 7am usually, but that routine went out the window during this break. I gotta tell you, if I don't move for more than 2-3 days, my back starts acting up (I have a too-curved spine from growing up too fast and being 5-feet tall already at tables meant for 3-4 feet tall kids, plus I had a car accident some 20 years ago where a vertebrae in my spine was crushed).
So how do you fit exercise in during break time? How do you fit exercise and movement in, full stop? I'll show you my way!
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Tuesday, June 04, 2013
Playlist Mania: My Fangirl Crushing on Olly Murs
Hey peeps!
Told you I'd be back with more madness from my corner of the world. Yes, yes - run for cover! Do it already! Now! Or else....
Told you I'd be back with more madness from my corner of the world. Yes, yes - run for cover! Do it already! Now! Or else....
Saturday, April 13, 2013
2 British boys battle for the top spot today! *on my Playlist!*
Hey peeps
It's a cold and dismal Saturday here today. Cyclonic warning Class1 in force this morning when I'm writing this; hopefully we won't get much worse weather. Lotsa rain is not what we're looking for, esp after the recent floods in the capital city.
So what else is there to do except hunker down inside the house, maybe with a good book, or a good WIP? Yep, I'm writing a new story (more about that next week with the Progress Report).
But another thing you can do when the weather is awful = grab a nice afghan, settle in your couch or comfy sofa, and plug in the earphones! Yes, I mean relaxing with good music!
Now, ye all know I love Brit Pop and that's what I listen to, mainly. No surprise then that I have two talented British lads vying for the top spot right now.
Want to join in and help me weigh who will win? Then take a listen down here. *grin*
First up, he's the winner of the latest version of X-Factor. Lots of people diss him but I think he's got a lovely voice, and that song of his is just heartbreaking!
Then, we have Olly Murs. Another top lad in the British charts. Got an amazing style that reminds me of a cross between the popular vibe of Robbie Williams and the alternative/electro-reggae beat of Jamiroquai.
So, which one wins it for you? I'm having a hard time deciding...
And if anything, I hope these tracks brightened your weekend a little. I know I could do with a spark.
From Mauritius with love,
It's a cold and dismal Saturday here today. Cyclonic warning Class1 in force this morning when I'm writing this; hopefully we won't get much worse weather. Lotsa rain is not what we're looking for, esp after the recent floods in the capital city.
So what else is there to do except hunker down inside the house, maybe with a good book, or a good WIP? Yep, I'm writing a new story (more about that next week with the Progress Report).
But another thing you can do when the weather is awful = grab a nice afghan, settle in your couch or comfy sofa, and plug in the earphones! Yes, I mean relaxing with good music!
Now, ye all know I love Brit Pop and that's what I listen to, mainly. No surprise then that I have two talented British lads vying for the top spot right now.
Want to join in and help me weigh who will win? Then take a listen down here. *grin*
First up, he's the winner of the latest version of X-Factor. Lots of people diss him but I think he's got a lovely voice, and that song of his is just heartbreaking!
Then, we have Olly Murs. Another top lad in the British charts. Got an amazing style that reminds me of a cross between the popular vibe of Robbie Williams and the alternative/electro-reggae beat of Jamiroquai.
So, which one wins it for you? I'm having a hard time deciding...
And if anything, I hope these tracks brightened your weekend a little. I know I could do with a spark.
From Mauritius with love,
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
What are you listening to? Let's Move To Some Tunes!
Hey peeps!
Another week on the way. Yep, I didn't post yesterday, because it looks like I'm gonna need a more rigorous schedule to get all the work I need to do done, so blogging is (not getting the axe! LOL) but it will have to be more structured. Monday updates will come every other week now. I know I babble a lot, but I really don't have that much to talk about. *grin*
No guests visiting this week, so I thought I'd jolly up the place with some music. These are tracks that have been on repeat lately on my phone, tunes I really like (and yes, I like fluff. Never hid that truth!)
So rock on!!
Love this girl's quirky style and her energy levels are just amazing. I always end up energized when I listen to this track.
Who doesn't like a little bit of diva attitude? This one is perfect for those times we all wanna indulge the spoilt princess that lurks inside us. :)
Good-looking men, and good-looking men who sing amazing well... and in Italian! What more can a girl ask for?
Latest one on this list - just came out in the UK, from the winner of the X-Factor. It's a cover version, if I'm not mistaken, but it's beautiful, anyhow. Love the lyrics, and I'm definitely thinking how and where to use that as soundtrack for a story.
What are you listening to?
From Mauritius with love,
Another week on the way. Yep, I didn't post yesterday, because it looks like I'm gonna need a more rigorous schedule to get all the work I need to do done, so blogging is (not getting the axe! LOL) but it will have to be more structured. Monday updates will come every other week now. I know I babble a lot, but I really don't have that much to talk about. *grin*
No guests visiting this week, so I thought I'd jolly up the place with some music. These are tracks that have been on repeat lately on my phone, tunes I really like (and yes, I like fluff. Never hid that truth!)
So rock on!!
Love this girl's quirky style and her energy levels are just amazing. I always end up energized when I listen to this track.
Who doesn't like a little bit of diva attitude? This one is perfect for those times we all wanna indulge the spoilt princess that lurks inside us. :)
Good-looking men, and good-looking men who sing amazing well... and in Italian! What more can a girl ask for?
Latest one on this list - just came out in the UK, from the winner of the X-Factor. It's a cover version, if I'm not mistaken, but it's beautiful, anyhow. Love the lyrics, and I'm definitely thinking how and where to use that as soundtrack for a story.
What are you listening to?
From Mauritius with love,
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Battle of the Sexes Playlist: in the current Pop Music scene, who wins - Girls, or Boys?
Hey peeps!
Ages since I last posted on a Tuesday, innit? Then with all my writing projects lately, I have barely had a minute to pop on here for longer than to put an interview doc or a guest post on. Last week, I even had to veg out and thus, missed a whole week's posting here. Apologies... and I hope the posts from today onwards will help with getting back into your good books. (Okay, a girl can dream, right? *wink*)
So, ye all know I'm hooked on Brit Pop. I even did a post a while back featuring Brit Pop tunes - I remember there were Adele and James Blunt on there. My fave spot to get my music fix is the UK Top 40 charts. Sales of Top Singles for the week in the UK. Music come and go really fast in there (though Gangnam Style has been in the Top 10 for like forever by now, lol! Seriously, who can resist that track?)
Anyhow, a few songs have hit me lately, and many come from a renaissance of girl bands. I'm from the Spice Girls era; so yes, I love girl bands. Totally moved beyond boys bands, because these kids are jail bait and I like my men a little more rugged. Still, doesn't mean their music is unpalatable (most of the time...)
Got me thinking - currently, who does it better? Girls, or boys?
Why don't you join me, and let me know your opinion? To do this, check out some vids of the tracks that have stayed with me and made it into my playlist lately. 2 from girl bands, 2 from boy bands (and/or boy groups)
First one to start the showdown - Something New by Girls Aloud! Peppy and gets you moving!
Second one - DNA from Little Mix. Powerful vocals from these girls, and the style is good, too.
Now on to the lads - Chasing The Sun by The Wanted. Those of you with kids might recognize this one as being on the soundtrack of Ice Age 4. Good beat and rhythm.
And, finally, Will.i.am of the Black-Eyed Peas joins the band named as The Script for the very 80s-sounding Hall of Fame.
What's your verdict? Who does it better in today's pop - girls, or boys?
From Mauritius with love,
Ages since I last posted on a Tuesday, innit? Then with all my writing projects lately, I have barely had a minute to pop on here for longer than to put an interview doc or a guest post on. Last week, I even had to veg out and thus, missed a whole week's posting here. Apologies... and I hope the posts from today onwards will help with getting back into your good books. (Okay, a girl can dream, right? *wink*)
So, ye all know I'm hooked on Brit Pop. I even did a post a while back featuring Brit Pop tunes - I remember there were Adele and James Blunt on there. My fave spot to get my music fix is the UK Top 40 charts. Sales of Top Singles for the week in the UK. Music come and go really fast in there (though Gangnam Style has been in the Top 10 for like forever by now, lol! Seriously, who can resist that track?)
Anyhow, a few songs have hit me lately, and many come from a renaissance of girl bands. I'm from the Spice Girls era; so yes, I love girl bands. Totally moved beyond boys bands, because these kids are jail bait and I like my men a little more rugged. Still, doesn't mean their music is unpalatable (most of the time...)
Got me thinking - currently, who does it better? Girls, or boys?
Why don't you join me, and let me know your opinion? To do this, check out some vids of the tracks that have stayed with me and made it into my playlist lately. 2 from girl bands, 2 from boy bands (and/or boy groups)
First one to start the showdown - Something New by Girls Aloud! Peppy and gets you moving!
Second one - DNA from Little Mix. Powerful vocals from these girls, and the style is good, too.
Now on to the lads - Chasing The Sun by The Wanted. Those of you with kids might recognize this one as being on the soundtrack of Ice Age 4. Good beat and rhythm.
And, finally, Will.i.am of the Black-Eyed Peas joins the band named as The Script for the very 80s-sounding Hall of Fame.
What's your verdict? Who does it better in today's pop - girls, or boys?
From Mauritius with love,
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Tidbit Tuesday: On my playlist right now...
Hey peeps!
Been a while since I was last able to do this. Missed sharing my fave music with you, and since I have a free Tuesday slot today on the blog, why not showcase some of the tracks on repeat on my player right now, and that refuse to leave my brain no matter how much I try to forget? Maybe I could get those tunes in your brains too *mwahahah!*
So, let's kick off...
I happened to watch the DVD of the movie Wanted again this weekend... and in the process, recalled that this was the movie that triggered my Corpus storyline idea and that inspired me to have an agency of assassins and spies in my debut book and series. I'd also forgotten what a cool action movie this one is - well-rounded, and with an awesome soundtrack. Take a listen (and look-see here! The video cannot be embedded)
My son and my nieces love this one! I admit I didn't like it or get the fuss the first time I heard it, but damn if this song doesn't grow on you... I have no idea what the lyrics are saying, or even how to pronounce half the words in there, but this is a good one.
"Bouncy, bouncy" is how many refer to the tone of this track. I love this girl's voice - she's from Wales, and this song is simply too good to pass up on!
And of course, we gotta have a totally British singer in the mix (yeah, Marina & the diamonds is Welsh, but here we're talking England...). I love her voice and vocal range, plus this girl knows how to move. In a collaboration with the greatest DJ of them all, David Guetta, I'm loving me some Jessie J.
What are you listening to right now? Share with me, will ye? :)
From Mauritius with love,
Been a while since I was last able to do this. Missed sharing my fave music with you, and since I have a free Tuesday slot today on the blog, why not showcase some of the tracks on repeat on my player right now, and that refuse to leave my brain no matter how much I try to forget? Maybe I could get those tunes in your brains too *mwahahah!*
So, let's kick off...
I happened to watch the DVD of the movie Wanted again this weekend... and in the process, recalled that this was the movie that triggered my Corpus storyline idea and that inspired me to have an agency of assassins and spies in my debut book and series. I'd also forgotten what a cool action movie this one is - well-rounded, and with an awesome soundtrack. Take a listen (and look-see here! The video cannot be embedded)
My son and my nieces love this one! I admit I didn't like it or get the fuss the first time I heard it, but damn if this song doesn't grow on you... I have no idea what the lyrics are saying, or even how to pronounce half the words in there, but this is a good one.
"Bouncy, bouncy" is how many refer to the tone of this track. I love this girl's voice - she's from Wales, and this song is simply too good to pass up on!
And of course, we gotta have a totally British singer in the mix (yeah, Marina & the diamonds is Welsh, but here we're talking England...). I love her voice and vocal range, plus this girl knows how to move. In a collaboration with the greatest DJ of them all, David Guetta, I'm loving me some Jessie J.
What are you listening to right now? Share with me, will ye? :)
From Mauritius with love,
Friday, January 13, 2012
Progress Friday
Hey peeps!
First week of being back on the 'job', so to speak... and not much to show for progress, sadly. Still in limbo over getting back into a productive work routine, and with that hacking cough shaking me every other minute, not exactly in the right frame of mind to concentrate. The plan was to be working already on Glory Days (Book #2 in the Destiny's Child lineup) but no such luck...
That being said, I did dust off an old project and sent it off to where it was supposed to be sent (my, aren't we intellectual today...). So at least there's that.
I guess life must be good on the whole, because I found myself humming this tune throughout the day. An upbeat song, and the lyrics are very much what we're having here - it's 72 degrees, zero chance of rain, it's been a perfect day...
Enjoy the song - I'll leave you with it!
And if we're friends on Facebook, drop by my page later today - the Hunk of the Week will be back, and I promise a treat *wink*
Hope you all have a lovely weekend, beautiful people!
From Mauritius with love,
First week of being back on the 'job', so to speak... and not much to show for progress, sadly. Still in limbo over getting back into a productive work routine, and with that hacking cough shaking me every other minute, not exactly in the right frame of mind to concentrate. The plan was to be working already on Glory Days (Book #2 in the Destiny's Child lineup) but no such luck...
That being said, I did dust off an old project and sent it off to where it was supposed to be sent (my, aren't we intellectual today...). So at least there's that.
I guess life must be good on the whole, because I found myself humming this tune throughout the day. An upbeat song, and the lyrics are very much what we're having here - it's 72 degrees, zero chance of rain, it's been a perfect day...
Enjoy the song - I'll leave you with it!
And if we're friends on Facebook, drop by my page later today - the Hunk of the Week will be back, and I promise a treat *wink*
Hope you all have a lovely weekend, beautiful people!
From Mauritius with love,
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Tidbit Tuesday: On My Music Playlist...
Hey peeps
It's been a while since I last did this - so I thought I'd rummage through the playlist on my phone and share with you some of the songs I'm listening to (a lot!) lately.
I featured one of Adele's songs a little while ago, Rolling in the Deep. Loved the tempo and the lyrics were powerful, and quite different from usual Adele fare that is more slow/blues-y and not really my cup of tea.
Until I got to listen to this, and the song totally blew me away. I heard the story playing in those lyrics, and believe me, they grip you by the throat and I found myself crying once when I was listening to this tune. Can so, totally, see this one going up as the soundtrack for a story somewhere. And didn't think I'd say this, coz I love Rolling in the Deep - this song really could be Adele's best! Take a look at the video (starkly simple but so potent!) and listen to those lyrics *shivers guaranteed!*
Adele - Someone Like You
Now this one I found completely by chance - stumbled upon it on the music channel on TV. I'd forgotten to switch the channel to the cartoon ones and when I started the TV, this sound came up a few seconds before the images loaded.
What can I say? I was hooked! Love the music - the beat is just awesome, and the voice of Julian Perretta ain't half bad either. :)
(Lol, surprise - he's a Briton too!)
Julian Perretta - If I Ever Feel Better
And, this one - no surprise this time, lol, for those who know me - is not British but he's French, and probably the most popular DJ in the world! I love me some good David Guetta vibes, and did we Guetta fans have an awesome year, what with all the singles and musical collaborations he'd slotted.
This is one of his latest, featuring (other Briton! ROTF) Taio Cruz on the lyrics, along with Ludacris. Love Taio Cruz's voice, btw - will share one of his vids sometime. :)
David Guetta feat Taio Cruz & Ludacris - Little Bad Girl
So there you have some of the beats rocking my world lately. What ye listening to right now?
From Mauritius with love,
It's been a while since I last did this - so I thought I'd rummage through the playlist on my phone and share with you some of the songs I'm listening to (a lot!) lately.
I featured one of Adele's songs a little while ago, Rolling in the Deep. Loved the tempo and the lyrics were powerful, and quite different from usual Adele fare that is more slow/blues-y and not really my cup of tea.
Until I got to listen to this, and the song totally blew me away. I heard the story playing in those lyrics, and believe me, they grip you by the throat and I found myself crying once when I was listening to this tune. Can so, totally, see this one going up as the soundtrack for a story somewhere. And didn't think I'd say this, coz I love Rolling in the Deep - this song really could be Adele's best! Take a look at the video (starkly simple but so potent!) and listen to those lyrics *shivers guaranteed!*
Adele - Someone Like You
Now this one I found completely by chance - stumbled upon it on the music channel on TV. I'd forgotten to switch the channel to the cartoon ones and when I started the TV, this sound came up a few seconds before the images loaded.
What can I say? I was hooked! Love the music - the beat is just awesome, and the voice of Julian Perretta ain't half bad either. :)
(Lol, surprise - he's a Briton too!)
Julian Perretta - If I Ever Feel Better
And, this one - no surprise this time, lol, for those who know me - is not British but he's French, and probably the most popular DJ in the world! I love me some good David Guetta vibes, and did we Guetta fans have an awesome year, what with all the singles and musical collaborations he'd slotted.
This is one of his latest, featuring (other Briton! ROTF) Taio Cruz on the lyrics, along with Ludacris. Love Taio Cruz's voice, btw - will share one of his vids sometime. :)
David Guetta feat Taio Cruz & Ludacris - Little Bad Girl
So there you have some of the beats rocking my world lately. What ye listening to right now?
From Mauritius with love,
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Tidbit Tuesday: Let's Chill With Some Tunes!
Hey peeps
Knackering day today. Appointments at the hospital = whole morning lost (though I did get to catch up on some reading there). Then had to get my son's glasses repaired, because he's broken the frame, again, for the third time in the 6 months he's been wearing them. And because a crazy-as-cannonball dog skidded and slammed into my car's front yesterday, crashing the turn-indicator, we had to go on a drive through a dozen spare parts shops to find the replacement. And then too, colour me mad, I broke out the pans and baked a cake, because over the weekend my father-in-law brought home a crate of apples and we're drowning under them, so had to find a way to use these and a good deal went into an apple cake.
I'm totally wrecked right now, and want to do nothing more than turn on the music channel on the TV and lounge like a couch potato, while I wait for another channel to start the TV series' marathon with CSI: Vegas, Burn Notice, and White Collar airing this evening.
Here's what's musically airing right now - a compilation of what's hot atm and also at my place! Enjoy.
This one is a fave of my boys! They love this tune, and they have the choreography down pat! This one's got everyone shufflin here. :)
And catch this clip - a story in itself! I'm on a Glee-skid right now, and this video is soooo high school and Glee-like, I'm loving it! There's even Artie (Kevin McHale) on the cast. And who doesn't love Katy Perry's colourful, fun-filled videos? Check out the star-studded cast in this one - well worth the watch!
And finally, this one is playing on and on on Clubbing TV right now here. British singer Sophie Ellis Bextor is gorgeous and absolutely doll-like in this vid! (Come to think of it, she does look like a doll - check those cheekbones and that perfect porcelain skin!)
From Mauritius with love,
Knackering day today. Appointments at the hospital = whole morning lost (though I did get to catch up on some reading there). Then had to get my son's glasses repaired, because he's broken the frame, again, for the third time in the 6 months he's been wearing them. And because a crazy-as-cannonball dog skidded and slammed into my car's front yesterday, crashing the turn-indicator, we had to go on a drive through a dozen spare parts shops to find the replacement. And then too, colour me mad, I broke out the pans and baked a cake, because over the weekend my father-in-law brought home a crate of apples and we're drowning under them, so had to find a way to use these and a good deal went into an apple cake.
I'm totally wrecked right now, and want to do nothing more than turn on the music channel on the TV and lounge like a couch potato, while I wait for another channel to start the TV series' marathon with CSI: Vegas, Burn Notice, and White Collar airing this evening.
Here's what's musically airing right now - a compilation of what's hot atm and also at my place! Enjoy.
This one is a fave of my boys! They love this tune, and they have the choreography down pat! This one's got everyone shufflin here. :)
And catch this clip - a story in itself! I'm on a Glee-skid right now, and this video is soooo high school and Glee-like, I'm loving it! There's even Artie (Kevin McHale) on the cast. And who doesn't love Katy Perry's colourful, fun-filled videos? Check out the star-studded cast in this one - well worth the watch!
And finally, this one is playing on and on on Clubbing TV right now here. British singer Sophie Ellis Bextor is gorgeous and absolutely doll-like in this vid! (Come to think of it, she does look like a doll - check those cheekbones and that perfect porcelain skin!)
From Mauritius with love,
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Tidbit Tuesday: On My Music Playlist...
Hey peeps!
Going back to the lighter side of life here, now that the doom and gloom of the exams are over. Waiting for my editor to send the first batch of edits on Walking The Edge, and in the meantime, trying hard to adjust back to a 'normal' life. Meaning by that, doing the things normal people do, like read, watch TV, and listen to music.
Speaking of music, thought I'd share with you some of the stuff on my playlist this week. Yes, I'm a Pop music junkie, and yes too, I'm that shallow. :)
Now that we got this confession out of the way, here's the songs on repeat atm on my music player.
Judas - Lady Gaga
I'm not a huge fan of Gaga. I mean, I like her music and songs, but the whole eccentric persona - not exactly my cup of tea. However, you gotta admit the woman has amazing video clips, and she knows how to choose her leading men! Anyone remember Alexander Skarsgard in the Paparazzi vid? Judas is of a same fare - I'm in love with Judas too. Not the character, but the bloke portraying him - actor Norman Reedus. Check him out - serious drool-worthy material. :)
Price Tag feat B.o.B - Jessie J
This one's my husband's fave tune atm - I actually downloaded it for him but ended up under the spell. Fellow Brit Pop singer Jessie J is one to watch out, imo. I haven't listened to her other songs, but if they're of the same fare as this one, I think she'll score a winner.
The lyrics are also something in this - I mean really, what's it with the price tag to everything and anything in the world today?
F**king Perfect - Pink
I like this song mostly for the vid, because it tells this amazing, totally sweet and poignant story of this girl who hit rock bottom in her teens yet managed to rise up again and find herself. The message is to her daughter, and the lyrics - a message any mother would want to tell her child, boy or girl. Warning - some of the images in this vid may shock!
So, what are you people listening to? Any song I should be having on my playlist here too?
From Mauritius with love,
Going back to the lighter side of life here, now that the doom and gloom of the exams are over. Waiting for my editor to send the first batch of edits on Walking The Edge, and in the meantime, trying hard to adjust back to a 'normal' life. Meaning by that, doing the things normal people do, like read, watch TV, and listen to music.
Speaking of music, thought I'd share with you some of the stuff on my playlist this week. Yes, I'm a Pop music junkie, and yes too, I'm that shallow. :)
Now that we got this confession out of the way, here's the songs on repeat atm on my music player.
Judas - Lady Gaga
I'm not a huge fan of Gaga. I mean, I like her music and songs, but the whole eccentric persona - not exactly my cup of tea. However, you gotta admit the woman has amazing video clips, and she knows how to choose her leading men! Anyone remember Alexander Skarsgard in the Paparazzi vid? Judas is of a same fare - I'm in love with Judas too. Not the character, but the bloke portraying him - actor Norman Reedus. Check him out - serious drool-worthy material. :)
Price Tag feat B.o.B - Jessie J
This one's my husband's fave tune atm - I actually downloaded it for him but ended up under the spell. Fellow Brit Pop singer Jessie J is one to watch out, imo. I haven't listened to her other songs, but if they're of the same fare as this one, I think she'll score a winner.
The lyrics are also something in this - I mean really, what's it with the price tag to everything and anything in the world today?
F**king Perfect - Pink
I like this song mostly for the vid, because it tells this amazing, totally sweet and poignant story of this girl who hit rock bottom in her teens yet managed to rise up again and find herself. The message is to her daughter, and the lyrics - a message any mother would want to tell her child, boy or girl. Warning - some of the images in this vid may shock!
So, what are you people listening to? Any song I should be having on my playlist here too?
From Mauritius with love,
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Tidbit Tuesday: Brit Pop
Hey peeps
I love all things British (well, except the weather) so it goes without saying that a lot of the music I listen to is Brit pop stuff too. Quite some gems there - lots of indie sounds and feel. To me, there's always an edge, something unique, to the British pop scene. It's always surprising me in some way or the other.
Take this 'new' singer, Adele. She's been on board the music scene for a couple of years at least, and she's 'different'. She's not a Size 0, she's not 'doll-perfect', she looks like she doesn't give a damn! My type of heroine! With a voice to die for, a punch to envy, vocal range and power to bring you to your knees - she's the new gal on the block! At only 23, she's just released her second album, and her story is the stuff legends are made of. In this cut-throat world of competition and everyone thinking they got a chance at fame, Adele's demo ended up on MySpace, posted by a friend. A producer heard her singing, and the rest is history.
Here she is - the song that made me 'discover' her recently.
Now how can you talk of the British music scene and not talk about James Blunt? Another voice to die for, with ballads that are now classics, and better still - lyrics with an actual depth of meaning.
Check out this track, one of his latest singles. It'll speak for itself, I promise.
From Mauritius with love,
I love all things British (well, except the weather) so it goes without saying that a lot of the music I listen to is Brit pop stuff too. Quite some gems there - lots of indie sounds and feel. To me, there's always an edge, something unique, to the British pop scene. It's always surprising me in some way or the other.
Take this 'new' singer, Adele. She's been on board the music scene for a couple of years at least, and she's 'different'. She's not a Size 0, she's not 'doll-perfect', she looks like she doesn't give a damn! My type of heroine! With a voice to die for, a punch to envy, vocal range and power to bring you to your knees - she's the new gal on the block! At only 23, she's just released her second album, and her story is the stuff legends are made of. In this cut-throat world of competition and everyone thinking they got a chance at fame, Adele's demo ended up on MySpace, posted by a friend. A producer heard her singing, and the rest is history.
Here she is - the song that made me 'discover' her recently.
Now how can you talk of the British music scene and not talk about James Blunt? Another voice to die for, with ballads that are now classics, and better still - lyrics with an actual depth of meaning.
Check out this track, one of his latest singles. It'll speak for itself, I promise.
From Mauritius with love,
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Tidbit Tuesday: Chill on the playlist...
Hey peeps
Awful day today - I had a hospital appointment (meaning I lost a whole morning!) and then I had to - I mean really had to - go to the dentist. Been in tons of pain to my whole right-side jaw for the past few days and I just couldn't keep biting the bullet and try to evade a trip to the dentist. Sigh. Got the awful nerve-saving procedure (or whatever it is called!) done, but now I can't feel my jaw, nor one half of my mouth. I swear - this must be exactly what Botox feels like! I smile and cannot feel anything happen to my features. Spooky!
So, bad day - how to make it better? Chill with some music, what else. Here's some stuff on my playlist at the moment. Features two of my favourite DJs - David Guetta and Martin Solveig. The former has a new hit with Rihanna, while the latter has this absolutely smashing and funny videoclip that has me in stitches every time! Check it out - a 'fake' Roland Garros French Open tennis game between Solveig and fellow DJ Bob Sinclar (who, it has to be said, is smoking hot!). Guest appearance by the yummy Novak Djokovic too - what more can a girl ask for?
From Mauritius with love,
Awful day today - I had a hospital appointment (meaning I lost a whole morning!) and then I had to - I mean really had to - go to the dentist. Been in tons of pain to my whole right-side jaw for the past few days and I just couldn't keep biting the bullet and try to evade a trip to the dentist. Sigh. Got the awful nerve-saving procedure (or whatever it is called!) done, but now I can't feel my jaw, nor one half of my mouth. I swear - this must be exactly what Botox feels like! I smile and cannot feel anything happen to my features. Spooky!
So, bad day - how to make it better? Chill with some music, what else. Here's some stuff on my playlist at the moment. Features two of my favourite DJs - David Guetta and Martin Solveig. The former has a new hit with Rihanna, while the latter has this absolutely smashing and funny videoclip that has me in stitches every time! Check it out - a 'fake' Roland Garros French Open tennis game between Solveig and fellow DJ Bob Sinclar (who, it has to be said, is smoking hot!). Guest appearance by the yummy Novak Djokovic too - what more can a girl ask for?
From Mauritius with love,
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