Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Friday, March 30, 2012

Progress Friday + this week's excerpt from the WIP!

Hey peeps!

We've been having an absolutely awful week of rain and super-humidity - let me tell you, that kind of weather makes your muse and/or inspiration take a huge beating.

But I braved through, people! I sat down and wrote, and moved my word count by 4,908 words these past 2 days!

March went by me in a huge blur, and I have no clue what I've gotten done (except, if that makes sense, I know what I've not gotten done!). Should've been finished with the first draft of Transient Hearts this week, but I'm still way behind the half-way mark on this story. It doesn't help that I've had other stuff beating down my door (yes, freelance work. It pays some of my stuff, all right, but it's not something that easy-breezy. By the time I'm done with work, I barely have enough time or energy to dedicate to writing).

Speaking of, check out this amazing article a friend of mine sent me the other day - my life is about counting spoons too, though I do happen to have way more in my hands than someone suffering from something as restricting as Lupus. Do read this one.

So I knew it all came down to prioritizing, and as from Wednesday when I finished with the last of March's contracted work, my priorities moved to the WIP, and I've stuck to that. With 2.5 hours writing both yesterday and today, I managed to clock down nearly 5K (and I need to mention, it's 5K that actually makes sense! LOL).

Planning, hoping, that next week, I'll be able to dedicate at least 2.5 hours every day to the story, which should see me moving forward by some 12-13K, and well beyond the halfway mark.

I had a good idea it was the amount of contracted work on my shoulders that was blocking me from work - both literally and figuratively, because I no longer had any juice in the brain to come up with scenes, and so glad I'm over this at the moment.

Okay, and today I decided that, instead of rambling aaaaall the way about my writing and word count and all, I'll actually start posting a snippet of what I got written during the week.

So here's a little bit from Transient Hearts; from our hero's POV. This born-cowboy but turned-New Yorker is back home on his ranch, and has dug a hole for himself: he now has to go ride with the ranch hands, because that's the excuse he gave to escape his cousin's clutches when she wanted to rope him into another bickering argument between herself and the heroine. :)

Should he be ecstatic that, at thirty-two, he could still get into the jeans he’d worn at seventeen? Years of hard partying with tequila, vodka, and beer, and he didn’t have any more of a belly than when he’d been a kid. An achievement? Probably not, given how he’d failed at everything else where his aunt and Aurelia were concerned...
Not for here and now, he told himself as he closed his eyes, and pressed his forehead to the mirror on the front panel of his closet. He’d have to take all this one moment at a time. Like getting used to those jeans again. He opened his eyes, turned around, then took a step, and another.
At first, after he’d taken a deep breath and pulled the pants on, the denim had chafed at his skin, sending an itch like the patrol of a hundred red ants down his limbs. He’d stopped counting how many times he’d had to fiddle with the back of the pants, in moves that weren’t far from Rafael Nadal’s signature shorts-in-butt-crack adjusting. But the more steps he took, the more the fabric smoothed over his skin and merged with his movements in a flow that came naturally, like instinct. He’d worn jeans in New York, but here, in cowboy country, wearing denim was a different, almost life-altering, experience.
It’s in your blood. The thought, once again, came through in his father’s voice. ...'

Hope you all have a lovely weekend, peeps!

From Mauritius with love,


Thursday, February 02, 2012

Link Thursday: 10 Ways To Feel Good Every Day

Hey peeps

I usually post articles that might help you with characterization and 'realism' in your writing, but today I wanna do something different, and post something for YOU! Yes, it needs to be in all caps *grin* because, let's face it - if you're not feeling good, your writing's not gonna be much good (unless you're one of those tortured authors who pounds away at the keys when in the dregs of misery!).

So here comes this article I accessed a few days ago. A lot of the tips are really easy to follow, and some can be simplified further. I'll tell you my own twists on them at the end of the post :)

Read on for effective little ways to change your day, every day! The article is from MSN Living, Inspired section, and can be viewed online in its original slideshow here


10 Ways to Feel Good Every Day

Easy tips and tricks to feel great all the time.

1. Exercise Less (But More Intensely)

Don't have a full hour to spend at the gym? Don't sweat it. "A short, high-intensity workout is easy to stick with and just as beneficial," says Lisa Wheeler of Equinox gyms. Instead of a 40-minute run, do intervals: Jog 2 minutes and sprint 1 minute, for a total of 20 minutes.

2. Go On a No-Deprivation Diet

"Food has a huge impact on your mood," says nutritionist Keri Glassman, "so when certain treats are off limits, it's like an awful, unending downer diet." Can you eat five cupcakes a day? No. But if you are craving a cookie, allow yourself one and really enjoy it.

3. Surround Yourself with Flowers

Brush up on your flower-arranging skills because there's a very compelling reason to have beautiful blooms around at all times: In a study by Nancy Etcoff of Harvard Medical School, 27 women were sent colorful stems; another group received home décor items. Within a week, Etcoff found that the flower group reported feeling more enthusiastic about their daily activities.

4. Drink Up

It's simple enough: Dehydration makes you feel lethargic, and water restores energy. Two 8-ounce glasses of water are a good antidote for morning drag.

5. Eat Algae

For a quick boost of your B's--the vitamins that help metabolize carbohydrates and give instant energy--take a swig of E3 Live ( The liquid supplement is made from fresh-frozen algae (and, no surprise here, it tastes a little like the ocean, so have a chaser at the ready).

6. Pick a Smarter Sweet

Sometimes, having a candy bar seems like the best way to make it through the day, but that sugar will make you feel better for only about 30 minutes--and then way worse. Instead, choose Sweet Riot cacao nibs (, which taste just as good but have half the calories and less sugar, so you don't crash later.

7. Take a Walk Before Lunch

Even if it's just a quick stroll around the block, here's why you should head outdoors: "Around 1 P.M. there's a natural lull in your circadian rhythm that signals the body to release melatonin, which makes you drowsy," says sleep expert Michael Breus. "You can prevent that dip by exposing your body to 10 minutes of sunlight at noon."

8. Eat the Same Breakfast Every Morning

When you know exactly what you are going to eat, you are less likely to skip a meal--or make a bad decision. (And, no, a cup of coffee won't cut it.) Start your day with protein-packed hard-boiled eggs or a yogurt parfait with fresh fruit and sesame seeds, which are loaded with iron and calcium.

9. Talk to Strangers

And, of course, say something nice. Tell the woman on the train that you like her shoes. The compliment will make her smile. "She's happy, you're happy," says Blissology founder Eoin Finn. "It creates a mini endorphin explosion."

10. Pack a Happier Gym Bag

Approved by fitness guru Tracy Anderson, these cheery essentials (including a post-Pilates sweet treat!) may actually make you look forward to working up a sweat.

Donatienne Barbie bag, $475;
Visual Changes gly-sal pads, $31;
Amazon Chocolate Bliss Bar, $4;
Cooler Cleanse coconut water, $9;
Nike bra, $25;
American Apparel tank, $20;
S'well water bottle, $35;
Undrest leggings, $148;


I'm not doing No. 5, no matter how much anyone tells me that's good for me! *Big Grin*

And regarding No. 6, I've found the perfect solution to chocolate cravings with less sugar and no fat. Get a tin of Dutch cocoa powder, and just mix a little with some water or a little milk to make a paste. Add the sugar you want - there's also no need for butter/fat, so you get a treat!

From Mauritius with love,


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Writing Wednesday: Joker!

Hey peeps

I'm gonna pull out my "Joker" card today because I simply do not have it in me to think and write anything coherent right now. You all know what an awful Monday I had - Tuesday and Wednesday haven't been that better, especially since I'm also starting to feel the fatigue which accompanies my hospital treatments. I've bailed out of cooking dinner tonight, and the hubs has banished me to the bedroom with a 'real' book (the wifi signal is kinda weak in there, so no hopping on the Net for me in that case). Still, he's been a darling and tried to lift me up - knowing I needed to write today, he also knew I needed a break and we drove to the beach where I could clock down some words while breathing the rejuvenating air.

I'm sorry I'm bailing out today, but I know you peeps will understand. I promised to look after 'ME' this year and now's a time I really have to do that.

Big hugs

From Mauritius with love,
