Sunday, June 12, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday - Walking The Edge: Snippet #1

Hello beautiful people!

Six Sunday is back on this week, and as from today, I'm gonna share quips from my upcoming novel, Walking The Edge, a romantic suspense/thriller coming out with Noble Romance Publishing on June 27.
So, you might be wondering what the story is about? Here's the blurb to put this week's Six in context:

Walking The Edge
The next step might be the last...

A woman without a past
Left amnesiac after an accident, Amelia Jamison struggles as her instincts slowly rise from the depths of oblivion, leading her to question her life as the wife of a cold, manipulating and distant man. Wisps of a dream show her another man she may have known intimately, but is he a memory, or a figment of her imagination?

A man with too much information
After many aliases, today Gerard Besson is simply a police commissaire in Marseille. When a mysterious woman starts to follow him, he is suspicious - and intrigued. But things aren't what they seem, and as he reluctantly gets closer to her, dregs of his painful, buried past emerge and make him question her identity.

Each seems to have led several different lives
But neither is prepared for what awaits them when they cross the fine line between knowing your true self and that of your alter ego.
Danger is the name of the game, and as it catches up with them in the French Provence, both know they better be ready for the inevitable fall.

And here are the Six opening lines from the book! Enjoy!

"...London. Oxford Street:
Thursday December 13, 1.24 p.m.

There's a man following me again.
She didn’t know why she felt so certain of this. Selfridges teemed with shoppers in Christmas buying frenzy, and bustling crowds swarmed around her.
Someone was watching her though. She knew. ..."

And FYI folks - Six Sunday has moved to its own website now! Catch the new look, and this week's list of posters, here.

From Mauritius with love,



Stacey Kennedy said...

Run!!! I know I would be. :)

Zee Monodee said...

Lol Stacey! She will! :)

Thanks for coming over.

Graylin Fox said...

Oh yeah, I'm with Stacey. RUN. Now!

Cate Masters said...

Yikes, hiding in plain sight too. Suspenseful!

Carolyn Rosewood said...


Zee Monodee said...

Lol Graylin! She will definitely run! :)

Zee Monodee said...

Exactly, Cate - in plain sight! All the more dangerous.

Zee Monodee said...

Thanks Carolyn! That's what I aimed for. :)

JoAnne Kenrick said...

LOVE THE COVER, Zee!! And...eek, yes, run lady, run! Fab six xx Looking forward to reading this one!

sue said...

sounds fascinating - I want to know more

Cassandra Carr said...

I love the Bourne vibe going on here...

Zee Monodee said...

Thanks JoAnne - I'm totally gaga over the cover myself, lol!

Hope you'll manage to get to it when it comes out - would love to hear what you think of it. :)

Zee Monodee said...

Thank you Sue!

Zee Monodee said...

Cassandra, glad you picked up the Bourne vibe. It's one of the movies/stories that inspired this novel. :)

Unknown said...

Great Six!

Jessica E. Subject said...

Intriguing. Leaves me wanting more.

Jessica Knauss said...

Very suggestive!

Chicki Brown said...

Great clip! Now that this is published, maybe I'll finally get to read the whole thing ...

Lisa Fox said...

Creepy! And I love that cover!!

Pippa Jay said...

Ooo, creepy.

Anonymous said...

Love the intrigue here!

therese gilardi said...

oh, to be followed in selfridge's ....

Brenda said...

Excellent. I felt the tension in just those six sentences. It was the last sentence: Someone was watching her though, that really ramped up the tension.

Sarah Grimm said...

Great six! Although if I were her, I'd be running.

Taryn Kincaid said...

OMG. I want to be on Oxford Street.I want to be shopping in Selfridge's. (I don't particularly want to be followed by a bad guy...maybe an earl, though.)

But what I really to come live with you on Mauritius.

lexcade said...

*Shudder* I hate that feeling. Thankfully, I've never been right, just paranoid.

She better get out of there!

AllureVanSanz said...

When in doubt, throw a random elbow backwards and see what you get. It's kinda like fishing...but not really.

::grins:: Good six. Well done.

Allure Van Sanz

Elaine Cantrell said...

Building tension from the first sentences. Great.

Lindsay said...

Don't run but turn and fight or at least stand your ground. Your better than he is

Unknown said...

You hit the jackpot here, Zee. Great start to a great book! How exciting! I want to fly to Mauritius and do a merry dance with you :).

Zee Monodee said...

Thanks Sara!

Zee Monodee said...

Thanks Jessica - I'll try and put up the Six that follow this one next week. :)

Zee Monodee said...

Thank you Jessica K - glad it caught the mood. :)

Zee Monodee said...

Thanks Chicki! Lol, I really hope you'll manage to nab a copy. XOXO

Zee Monodee said...

Thank you Lisa! And ain't that cover beautiful? :)

Zee Monodee said...

Yup Pippa. It gets creepier... :)

Zee Monodee said...

Thanks Layna - glad I could pull the intrigue through from the get go.

Zee Monodee said...

Therese - there's also a scene in Harvey Nichols. :)

Zee Monodee said...

Thanks Brenda! I really wanted to get into her head, feel what she felt. Glad that came through. :) Hugs!

Zee Monodee said...

Thanks Sarah! Her first instinct will be to run, but will she do it? :)

Zee Monodee said...

Lol Taryn - grab the book when it comes out: I also take you to Harvey Nichols in Knightsbridge, Hampstead Heath in North London, St Pancras International, all the way through to Marseille and the coast of Croatia in the Adriatic Sea!

Followed by an earl, or even a prince like Harry in Selfridge's... Hmmm :)

But you're welcome to Mauritius anytime! Hugs

Zee Monodee said...

It's a creepy feeling indeed! Though here, is she paranoid, or totally right? :)

Zee Monodee said...

Lol Allure - guess you and Amelia think alike. :)

Zee Monodee said...

Thank you Elaine!

Zee Monodee said...

Lindsay, that's right - she's no simpering missy waiting for a saviour!

Zee Monodee said...

Angela!! Thank you sis!

We'll merry dance over cyber waves, until you can come over or I can fly to Malta!

Hugs back!!

Rae Lori said...

Dude! Your cover rocks! I love it! Can't wait to buy this version woo hoo! *happy dance*

Zee Monodee said...

Hey Rae, my other sis!!

The cover's rocken, innit? Can't wait for you to check it out too! Miss ya tons, babe! XOXO

Lisa Kumar said...

Ooh, mysterious and potentially spooky!

Zee Monodee said...

Thanks Lisa!