Sad to note - life hasn't gone back to normal this week. In fact, it took a turn for the wackier. But then too, people who know me will ask, when was my life ever normal? I know I should be asking the same question - twenty-eight years and I should know this, right? Well, guess not, since every week keeps taking me by surprise. I get into some sort of a routine, and just when I'm getting comfy and letting loose to roll with the flow, the punches start coming in and the road becomes pot-holed and bumpy. I think it all started when I turned sixteen... Still, that would make twelve years of 'practise'. Oh bugger...
Sigh, sigh, sigh... Story of my life!
Progress - what do I show as progress this week? My jaw is still killing me. Got just a bare-bones 4 pages down. Better than nothing, but now I'm starting to wonder if I shouldn't have just stuck with nothing and let this week go by too. I know I'll plan for next week to be better. Let's just hope and pray, shall we?
From Mauritius with love,
4 pages is 4 more than what I did this week!
Thanks Erin. We'll make it, I know, but it's hard sometimes...
4 pages is more than what I did too. It's hard yes, and I can't tell you it gets easier. However, this week is about taking care of yourself. Don't force it, just get better and then move on. xxxxx
Thanks Angela! I'm trying not to stress about the past couple of weeks, just go with the flow. Everything happens for a reaosn, innit?
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